Splitting class: Comparative adjectives and verbal tenses

Welcome to our new computer class, I hope you enjoy it!

In this class you will practise Unit 1 and 2 with Present Simple and Present Continuous exercises. From Unit 3 you will find some exercises to practise comparative adjectives.

0. If you need to revise how to form comparative adjectives click here. If you don´t, go to the next point.

1. Practise comparative adjectives by clicking on the next exercises:

- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4 (here you will also find superlative adjectives).
Take your notebook and copy the answers of this exercise, copy the three columns.

2. Here there is a video with people using the Present Simple and explaining how they have fun.

Follow these steps:
-La reportera demana a la gent "What do you do for fun?" (Què fas per divertir-te?)
-Escolta i escriu 10 coses que fa la gent per passar-ho be. Al principi et costarà entendrer-ho, però escolta-ho un parell de vegades i ho entendras.

3. Practise the Present simple tense here. When you have finished call me to check it.

4. Practise the Present continuous with the following exercise.
Click here.

5. Watch the following video and explain what is happening.

Example of sentences:
A car is moving.
Three people are watching an elephant.

Write them in the notebook.

Here you have some actions to help you:

Girl / take pictures
Elephant / walk
Two men / observe animals
Three explorers / have dinner
A lion / roar
The female explorer / shout
A male explorer / shoot

If you have finished, you can click on other posts and practise Present Simple, Present Continuous, Possessive adjectives, etc.